The Good Thing Guru

Hi! I’m Kimberly Cleveland – The Good Thing Guru, speaker, blogger, event producer and mother to a handsome teenage son. I am the Ladies Ministry Leader and a platform speaker for ladies programs for over 15 years. As a marriage and wife coach, I have counseled and helped prepare women to become amazing wives with successful marriages. Marriage, being a wife and a mother are my passions! Not so long ago I took a leap of faith and found purpose through my passion and started Wife University! As your coach I can support and help prepare you achieve your dream of becoming an amazing wife and help you create a successful marriage.

As a child, my greatest aspiration was to be a wife and mother. My grandmother was a stay at home mom who had seven children. She even raised me for the first 6 years of my life. I admired her and wanted to be just like her. My aspirations have always been to get married and have 5 kids.

I got married the first time to a high school sweetheart. He was of a different nationality than me and his parents disowned him once we married. It was hard being a young married couple. The stress of learning each other, how to be married and infidelity ultimately lead to the fall of the marriage.

Several years later, I was in love and got pregnant with my son. Ultimately his father wanted to do the right thing so he asked me to marry him. After the honeymoon I learned that the house we were living was in foreclosure because my husband hadn’t paid the mortgage for 4 months. The trust was broken and I was devastated once again. Within 4 months we were separated. He just wasn’t ready for the responsibility of a wife and child.

Like so many women I asked myself: Why was my dream of being a wife and mother so hard to attain and sustain? I had a career but it wasn’t fulfilling. So I sought the answer from someone wiser than myself …..I got on my knees and prayed:

  • God show me what I am doing wrong.
  • Show me what you intended for marriage.
  • What did you intend when you created man (the husband) and woman (the wife)?

What I received was more than I asked for. I received clarity for myself and a charge to equip others like myself. God revealed I had spent most of my life educating myself and preparing for a career but had not done nearly as much work preparing to be a wife. For the next seven years, God revealed His divine plan for marriage and gave to me a systematic educational process that transforms a woman into a wife! This gift from God has become The Wife University and I have pledge to God to honor His gift by helping prepare women to become amazing wives!

Welcome to Wife University!

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